Can someone please go through your PRO plugin and update the instructions for integrating PayPal Business? The instructions that are there now (as of February 2021) seem very old and incorrect in many places. None of the PayPal account payment information is where your instructions tell us to find it, etc. I’m not sure if I need to generate API keys or enter logins, or IPN URLs or what as your instructions ask for everything.
Along those lines, you need a clearer system of Documentation too. It seems like there is a great deal of old content that is spread across disparate “help forum” systems that is hard to access and actually find answers in. Supplying actual documentation would be much more useful than sending your paying customers to generic help-forums to try to dig up answers by themselves.
I am trying to get our PP Business account hooked up to the PayPal Options so I can use the PayPal Pro-Forms for user registration for events.
On that same page, you’ll find you your Payment Data Transfer (PDT) token.
Paste the PDT token in the s2 field for it.
I hope that makes it simpler for you.
I also had a quick video for it, but the interface over at PayPal changed, and although the names of things are still the same, it may take browsing a couple PayPal settings pages to find them. I still recommend watching it:
If you’re not using PayPal Pro PayFlow Edition, you’d leave the PayFlow Credentials panel alone.
I really hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions, it’ll help me improve what I write in the instructions for it.