"PayPal Automatic EOT" switch flips off occassionally

I’m referring to Enable s2Member’s Auto-EOT System? on the PayPal Options/Automatic EOT Behavior Page/Tabs

I want it set to Yes/1 but it flips off to blank/unset and I don’t know why. Perhaps after updates?

Anyway it can lose money when people do not demote and stay on longer for free.

So I am wondering if the right fix for this would be to hard-wire it by putting this line in wp-config

define('ws_plugin__s2member_auto_eot_system_enabled', 1);

Thank you in advance.

I am assuming that you are saving after setting it…so…have you tried only enabling the S2 plugin and all others disabled to see if it makes a difference…also…the theme could possibly be conflicting…
Another possibility is that the browser is not updating as fast as it needs to…I came across this recently and only saw that I had made changes a couple of days later…

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Hi Tim.

Please see this article: https://s2member.com/kb-article/automatic-eot-system-option-goes-blank-why/


I have this problem as well. I’ve read the article you reference, and I’m wondering if you have any advice on how to track down the rogue plugin, or determine that the host is deleting the cron job if that’s the case.

Hi Chad.

No, I’m sorry I don’t know yet. Since I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my installations at all, it’s extremely hard for me to troubleshoot… :confused:

I will be looking at ways to try preventing it, if possible. In the future I want to improve the whole EOT engine, and this is a thing I would love to sort out.