Nothing to update. You're NOT a paid Member

Hi All, expired members need to resubscribe but they keep getting the message.
“Nothing to update. You’re NOT a paid Member.”

What do I do to add a payment method after the expire?
I am using Stripe Pro Forms.

Thanks! A

What is the shortcode that you are using?

Hi Tim, I am still having the same issue, I get the “Nothing to update. You’re NOT a paid Member.”
This is after they expired, I have them login and they still see this message.
This is the shortcode.

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form update=“1” desc=“Update your billing information.” default_country_code=“US” captcha=“0” /]

Also now the stripe plus button does not show the form when clicked on. I have tried it in Firefox and Chrome

I’m not sure I understand.

Are you saying that after their membership is expired they say a message that says that they are not a paid member?

Also now the stripe plus button does not show the form when clicked on. I have tried it in Firefox and Chrome

Not using Cloudflare, right?

There is no “level” argument in the shortcode? There also is other arguments. Maybe you should rebuild it?