Not able to Add user to the correct Getresponse list

I was using the search but could not find an answer. Here’s what I want to archive:

I am selling three different products on the website. They are the same niche but not related to each other. So I made them all level 1.

In the background there are three different getresponse lists, each related to one of the products. Inside the API/List Servers >> Getresonse Integration I have added the three tokens of the three GR lists. (All into “Campaign tokens for level #1 Members” comma separated) Everything works fine but if someone buys product A he can only access product A but gets added to all three lists, not only to the one related to the product be bought…

I have no idea about code, but is there a way to do this? Maybe to modify the paypal button code to block the two unrelated lists?

Thank you.

You’ll need to either create a custom Pro-form template for each product and modify the GetResponse code on that template to assign the new User to the correct list or create a single custom template and use conditionals to choose the list – it will probably be easier to use a separate template for each product. You can find the existing GetResponse code by viewing the source of your current Pro-form.

The lists you configure in s2Member are a match to Membership Levels. In your case, to Level 1. So if a customer pays for access to Level 1, and Level 1 has been configured to add members at Level 1 to all three lists, then that’s what occurs. What’s missing is a breakdown that allows for lists to be assigned based on Custom Capability. I’m afraid that’s not a supported feature at this time.

A possible workaround is to break the lists down into three separate Levels, and change the way you sell the CCAPs by assigning members to the Level associated with the mailing list they should be placed on. For the purpose of protecting content, you can forget about the Levels and just stick to the CCAPs. But for the lists they still need to be broken down by Level at this time.

Thank you for answering. Yes, this is what I have done already (Didn’t get any notification about your post). Well, it’s working fine till now and hoping there will be no more downsides except that I have to use one level/product. Thanks again.