Multiple forums membership site

Hello there,

Im new to the s2 Membership so its a trail and error …

That s said I’m stuck… need some advice on how i may have a forum membership site…

i want to have or should i say my site will have 4 forums and paying members can choose to join 1, 2, 3 ,or all forums…

Can oi do this in s2membership pls?

So a member can choose #1 and #3 forums or #1#2 and #4 forums etc…

so its not like a basic, gold or platinium membership model

any suggestions pls?


Protect each forum with a custom capability (ccap) and then your members can choose which ones they want to join.

im kind a stuck as iim not sure how to assign permissions as there a lot of permutations… or am i just not getting it…


there are four forums

Membership Options :

1.Join 1 forum options to join Forum #1 or #2, or #3

2.Join 2 forums options to join Forum #1 and #2
#1 and #3
#1 and #4
#2 and #3,
#2 and #4
3.Join 3 forums options to join ALL Forums
#1 and #2 and #3

I have 4 forums but i hope you get the drift im going for.

How do i assign Ccap on those levels as when i want to implement the above setup

any help id be most helpful.I thought this was going to be easy!!! lol

First, give every member the same level, i.e. s2Member level 1.

Then give each forum its own ccap, e.g. one, two, three, four.

How easy the next bit is depends on whether you have the free or Pro version. If you’re using free, you’ll have to generate a separate button (using a shortcode) for each ccap or combination of ccaps.

If you’re using Pro, you would do the same as in free, except that (a) you would use forms instead of buttons and (b) you would wrap all your shortcodes into a dropdown list. This obviously makes it much easier for a user to follow.

Whether using free or Pro, you would then provide logged-in members (and only logged-in members) with Billing Modification buttons or a forms dropdown in order to enable them to change their choices later on.

I have the free version:-(

I,ideally would have loved a drop down list, so if I’ve chosen from from “join 2” forums”
In thr drop down box appears all four forums where I can check the one I want from the list

Is there one or two forums that work well and can also leverage CCAP?

I went down a dark road in my set up and didn’t use CCAP - then reengineered to use them and love how they work.

Hi Mark. What forum are you using? bbPress?

Hi Cristian, right now I don’t have a forum, I am looking to add one to my site.

I am hopefully I can learn from others to reduce my trial & error with different forum packages.


Well, just remember that s2Member is a plugin in WordPress, so WordPress needs to be loaded for s2Member to be active to then manage access. So a forum outside WordPress can’t easily be protected with s2 (although not impossible, there have been hacks).

The easiest one that comes to mind would be bbPress, which also is a plugin and lives in WP. May not be the best forum software, but perhaps good enough for your needs.

The easiest way to manage access to it with s2Member, would be using the URI restriction. WP Admin > s2Member > Restrictions > URI

Thing is that the URI restriction works with levels, not ccaps.

You have two options that come to mind:

Remove the incremental access to the levels and use them as separate access capabilities, similar to ccaps. The problem with this approach is that the user can only have one level at a time, so they can’t be added as ccaps are.

Add some PHP conditionals to your forum templates, checking for the ccaps you want to require. WP Admin > s2Member > Scripting > Advanced PHP Conditionals

I hope that helps. :slight_smile: