More exception pages to full restriction

Hi, I would like to have more pages than just the “memberships” page as an exception to my full restriction. How can I do this?

This is the only way to give logged on users a different homepage than the homepage when they were not logged on / not a member yet.

Which makes sense; I want to promote to become a member on the first homepage and that promotion doesnt make sense when already a member :slight_smile:

You need to read the Restriction Options section in s2Member again, and restrict pages by their ID rather than as a whole group.

I am not restricting pages, then it would be easy to make exceptions… I am restricting entire parts because I am using buddypress.

Now, I want the FrontPage to be a page that is not the FrontPage anymore when logged on. The only way to do this is by setting up Membership options page, which is fine but I would like more pages to be visible before logged on than only 1 membership options page. In other words, how can I hide everything and have a few exceptions on that?

Anyone? I really would like to know…!