Migration problems missing css & various other issues

I am migrating a website to a new VPS with php7 / Nginx but trying to keep everything in place. The site is fundamentally working fine but S2Member seems to have become confused. I have tried deactivating and re-installing it. Issues include:

  • no css on S2 admin pages so all text appears without styling heading styles etc.
  • Shortcode for stripe page access sale is displaying sometimes without styling (and inactive stripe) or without styling and with additional fields.

Running s2-server-scanner.php I get errors:
Missing MySQL extension. and Missing Mcrypt extension warnings. MySQL is clearly working or the rest of the site would fail. Downgrading to PHP 7.1 the Mcrypt error goes away (deprecated in 7.2) but other problems remain.


Some progress.

Running PHP 7.1 with Apache Fast CGI set rather than NGINX gets all the CSS back, shortcodes behaving again, and S2Member generally working OK .

The s3-server-scanner.php still reports ‘Missing MySQL extension’ which seems to be impossible as things would not be working at all were that the case. Can I just ignore this safely given that everything else seems OK?

Yes, if everything is working you can ignore that error. If MySQL wasn’t working, as you noted, nothing would be working. :slight_smile:

Yes, that warning/error is incorrect. That scanner check is obsolete since some PHP releases ago.