Max failed logins!

I set up s2member very smoothly and no problem happened until this morning. When I added the “s2member pro (login …)” Widget to the website’s Main Sidebar, my test client accounts could no longer log in to the website.
Instead, each login is redirected to the login page with the message: “Max failed logins. Please wait about 30 minutes and try again.”

I was worried that if I also logged out of the website administration page, I wouldn’t be able to log in myself, which was terrible.

I also tried to create a new member account, and logged in, but the message: “Max failed logins. Please wait about 30 minutes and try again.” appears during the new account creation and password process, it appears automatically as a default, which I did not add. In addition, all new and old accounts cannot be signed in.

Finally, I went to s2member (pro)> restriction options> brute force IP / login restriction: it allowed me to log in to fail 5 times, and reset Brute force logs, so now the login page work ok.:smile:

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