Ok I downloaded the Pro version and now I am getting :
aMac OS X 2°âATTR;šÉÿâ˜G˜Gcom.apple.quarantine0081;5ce1e8ba;Google\x20Chrome.app;C9FB0E6E-61B5-4451-9FB9-065F4DB0CDCAThis resource fork intentionally left blank ÿÿaMac OS X 2°âATTR;šÉÿâ˜G˜Gcom.apple.quarantine0081;5ce1e8ba;Google\x20Chrome.app;C9FB0E6E-61B5-4451-9FB9-065F4DB0CDCAThis resource fork intentionally left blank ÿÿ
at the top of every screen and now I cannot log into the word press. I found the two files that are causing this from the download.
Both have this in the file…See Photo.
Is this zip created from a MAC and thus created the ._ file? are these files needed? If so is there a clean version of these files? If not, can these be deleted or cleared?