Looking for Advice on Changing s2Member's Membership Levels

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I have been working with a web page which makes use of the WordPress s2Member plugin, and I’m running into a little problem that I’m hoping the community will assist me with.

The basic membership tiers (Free, Bronze, Silver, and Gold) have been successfully set up and are operating as intended. I’m not quite sure how to go about adding a few unique benefits to those membership levels, though.

I want to make the following specific customizations:

Custom Registration Fields: For specific membership tiers, I would want to add a few custom fields to the registration form. For instance, I want to add sections for extra profile information for the Silver & Gold memberships that aren’t needed for a free and Bronze membership.

Automated Emails: When a member upgrades their membership, I would want to see automated emails sent to them. These emails should ideally be customised and offer details on the new capabilities that are accessible at their upgraded membership level.

Customisation of Payment Gateways: As of right now, PayPal is my main payment method, but I’m thinking of adding Stripe as well. Has anyone done this before in this group? Are there any dangers I should watch out for? :thinking:

I also followed this :point_right: https://forums.wpsharks.com/t/s2-membership-level-can-you-change-the-order-to-un-incremental/sap-sac

Despite my relative inexperience with s2Member, I do have some familiarity with PHP & WordPress customisation. Any guidance, supporting materials, or case studies you could provide would be very helpful.

I’d be interested in knowing about any experiences you have had dealing with comparable problems and how you resolved them.

Thank you :pray: in advance.

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  1. Custom Fields: I just ask everybody for all information, even if it’s not essential. Even if a user is on a lower tier now, if they upgrade, you’ll already have the information you need, otherwise, you can just ignore it.

  2. I don’t know how to make custom automated emails for each situation like upgrades to specific tiers, but you might use shortcodes on a single page all of them are supposed to visit (perhaps even their member’s area?) so you can adjust the content accordingly to their tier and/or special attributes.

  3. Stripe is really good! You need s2Member Pro for that.