Login Page Not working - No Widget

Returning to s2member after about 6 months with another platform. We’re using the same theme as before, but our login page is not working. We can’t get it to set to the wordpress login page or anything else. The Pro Sidebar widget is also missing.

Any ideas for how we can get users logged in?


Did you find same problems without s2M? It is not involved in the login process…

No, that was the nice thing about the other platform. The shortcodes all worked perfectly with them.

For now I did a workaround and created a button on our “Login” page that directs them to the wordpress login page if they’re not already logged in.

I know this will only prevent your problem, but I advise you to use the Wordpress connection page that you will have customized via s2Member and the WP Hide Login plugin as a connection method for your members.
It is much more reliable than widget and other artifices.

No, I don’t meant “at other platform/site”, but in same site, with s2M deactivated.