Login not possible


we’re actually facing the issue that we can’t log in to our homepage using S2Member Pro with Clean Login.

After logging in, there should be a redirection to a trader area for our homepage. Unfortunately we’re redirected to our “Membership Options Page” with some Parameters in the URL. Parameters are as followed:


If we log in by /wp-login.php the log in and redirection works fine, but not with our log in page.

I’ve tried deactivating unnecessary plug-ins. However it won’t work.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Those parameters mean that Clean Login Is trying to send you to a page with an ID of 14, but that that page is protected at subscriber (s2Member level 0) level.

Everyone logging in should have the capability of accessing that level. So, since you say other plugins aren’t interfering with this, either that page is also protected by a custom capability or else the subscriber capability has somehow been removed from members. You can check the latter possibility by using a plugin like Capability Manager Enhanced.