"Invalid form configuration. Invalid "custom" attribute" error after upload to live server

I got this error message after migrating site from localhost to live server: “Invalid form configuration. Invalid “custom” attribute. When provided, must start with your domain name.” I have changed the “custom=” to “mysite.com”, but the error message remains. I’m at a loss on how to resolve this. Here’s my form setup:

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form register=“1” level=“0” Option=“1” ccaps="" desc=“Basic Free Membership” custom=“mysite.com” tp=“0” tt=“D” captcha=“clean” /]

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“1” Option=“2” ccaps="" desc="$49.95 USD / Yearly" cc=“USD” custom=“mysite.com” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“D” ra=“49.95” rp=“1” rt=“Y” rr=“0” coupon="" accept_coupons=“0” default_country_code=“US” captcha=“1” /]

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“1” Option=“3” ccaps="" desc=“Premium Member - $5.95 Monthly” cc=“USD” custom=“mysite.com” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“D” ra=“5.95” rp=“1” rt=“M” rr=“1” coupon="" accept_coupons=“0” default_country_code=“US” captcha=“0” /]

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“1” Option=“4” ccaps="" desc=“Platinum Member - $79.95 USD Annually” cc=“USD” custom=“mysite.com” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“D” ra=“79.95” rp=“1” rt=“Y” rr=“0” coupon="" accept_coupons=“0” default_country_code=“US” captcha=“0” /]

Thanks for any help!


Could you confirm that you’re not mixing the use of www and without? See: https://www.primothemes.com/forums/viewtopic.php%3Ff=36&t=1066.html

If that’s not it, please try these: https://s2member.com/kb-article/common-troubleshooting-tips/ (you can ignore the MySQL warning in the server scanner)

I look forward to your update. :slight_smile:

Hi Cristian,
thanks for letting me know about the perils of mixing www with non-www, that was the problem. Once I changed all the links sitewide to be consistently non-www, everything worked fine.

Thanks again!

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Great! I’m glad it was a simple thing. Thanks for the update! :slight_smile: