Invalid Form Configuration- Custom must match Domain w/ Authorize.Net


Our users are experiencing a web error that I have been unable to source or fix. I have attached a screenshot of the error

Which includes our domain name/website as well. This is my first time submitting, so please let me know if any additional details are needed. The site is live as well, so please reply ASAP.

Thank you!

Did you get this figured out? I’m having the same issue, and my support ticket (a couple of days ago) hasn’t been replied to.

Check that the contents of the custom field in the Join form shortcode is the same as the domain name of your site.

For instance this one is for the domain

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form register="1" level="0" ccaps="" desc="Signup now, it's Free!" custom="WWW.SOMEDOMAIN.ORG" tp="0" tt="D" accept_coupons="0" default_country_code="GB" captcha="clean" success="/thanks-for-joining/" /]