Integration with Braintree

Hey everyone,

I’m working with two payment gateways, Stripe and Braintree. I’d like to integrate Braintree into S2Member and it has a Webhooks feature similar to Stripe. What I like about Braintree is that you can process PayPal transactions in a way that is similar to Stripe with how it handles credit cards. You create a customer with a payment method and it uses those secure tokens to charge them in the future, very much like Stripe. However, since it is not included in S2Member I’m wondering how difficult it would be to add it as an integration that listens for Webhook calls like it does with Stripe.


Hi, I sent you a PM.

Hey Krumch, I have a client who also wishes to integrate Braintree with s2member. Is this something you could potentially help us out with?

Yes, I am able to do that. I will PM you.