Initial Setup Issue

I have just completed the introductory setup video up s2Member with my website and am having an issue with the “Protected Page” link not showing up in my menu. Prior to adding that page ID to Level #0 in Page Access Restrictions, it shows in the menu. After adding the page ID it no longer shows in the menu. How is a visitor to access the page if it isn’t listed in the menu? What am I missing?

Website is

Thanks in advance!

Does the page appear in the menu if a user is logged in?

If you go into s2Member’s Restriction Options and then Alternative View Protection, you can uncheck the option to protect nav menus. Not sure if that will solve the issue for you.

Thank you for the quick response!

Yes, when logged in the page “Protected Page” is visible in the menu.

I unchecked the nav menus in Alternate View Protection per your suggestion and now the link shows when not logged in, but it can now be accessed without login in. Your thoughts?

Maybe someone else can correct me, but I don’t think there is any way to show a page in the menu that is otherwise protected.

What I do with my site is I have an unprotected page in the menu that explains the benefits of becoming a member. And then only after a member signs up and logs in can they view the protected pages.

Thank you Stephen, I will explore this option.