Import CSV Batch Renewal

Hi All,

Wondering how to batch import members for renewal.

If members previously have an account - what is the easiest way to batch renew them?

(without getting error messages like, “Line #2. Conflicting. The Email address (, already exists.”

Thank you,

Why do you want to renew members manually? For free memberships?
If I had to do it, personally, I will create a small php function with a loop that will update the EOTs.

We have organizations that purchase bulk memberships. Rather than an individual signing up one by one, they send a check that covers X number of people - they send their info over and I use the CSV import feature to add them in bulk. They are active members for 1 year. When they are due to renew, how do I batch renew, updating their EOT date?

Updating the database by CSV file is not the best solution for existing customers and in addition it could be dangerous.
I advise you to just create a PHP script containing a loop that will update the EOT values ​​of these clients in your database.

Why is it dangerous? You can batch import members by importing a CSV. Why cant you update their EOT by a similar import?

You can not update a database with a CSV import, you can only replace existing lines and / or add new ones.
You would have to clear the lines of these customers and then import them again with the new values ​​… which is dangerous because mishandling or an import error could cause you to lose or corrupt customers informations.
That’s why I advocate updating the EOT value only, without import.

What if you have several thousand members to batch renew?

That’s exactly the point of the PHP loop, it does the job for you in seconds, even for thousands of customers!

Sorry, do you talk about this method of importation? Click Here.
If yes, I don’t know yet the method 1, so it is perhaps possible to update the EOT of several customers without changing the rest…
I only knew method 2…

Can anyone else comment? It seems like there should be an easy way to update EOT in a batch way if there is a way to do this via CSV initial import when creating accounts?

Methods above are good for what you need, but code needs customization to your case.