How to restrict access to different parts of the same post using custom capabilities

Hi everyone!

I have a new membership site
I sell access to daily analysis of different financial markets
heres an example:
I currently cover 5 markets on the same daily post, and the membership allows access to view all of that content.
I want to sell access to individual parts of that daily post.
So a member could buy access to just 2 or 3 parts of that daily post, and not be able to view the others.

Is this possible?

Can it be down with a custom capability / short code on the post level?
any input would be a help.
And thanks for building a great product
I love s2member!

Yes, you can use [s2If] conditional shortcodes. They work with both s2Member levels and ccaps.

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cheers Tim,
I will give it a whirl and see if I can pull it off.

HI there,
I have tried multiple times and many different ways,
I cannot get the [s2If] short codes to work.
They just keep appearing as plain text?
I am at a loss as to what I am doing wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Show us here what you have tried.


I feel a complete fool!

It has just worked!

maybe I put a one line of code on the visual editor and not in the text editor?!

But Darn it
The code just worked!

This has opened up a whole new world for me!
Praise the LORD!

Thanks for responding so quick,
And sorry for wasting your time!

All the best!

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The shortcodes should work in both, actually, though I always use the text editor and actually disable the visual editor completely. But I’m glad you have it working now!

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