How to remove Administrative Notes:

When users get demoted S2 writes stuff in the Administrative Notes:

How can i make sure that S2 doesnt write anything?

i need the Administrative Notes to be empty at all time


If you don’t use that field, just ignore and hide it with CSS.

If you want to use: You need it to be “always free”, means “never used” (actually, “unusable”)? Or you need to maintain yourself, means s2M to not add anything, but you to put info there?

yes, i want to make sure that this box is always empty

Each time an user is demoted (due to non payment via Stripe), S2member write a message in that box

something like that:

Paid Subscr. ID @ time of demotion: stripe → XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

I want to make sure that those messages dont get added anymore


Well, to be “always empty” and “s2M to not put info there” is different (remember, you talk with a programmer :slight_smile: )… If “always empty”, nobody, include you, can save anything there. In other case you can, but s2M - not. What you really need?

what is the easiest?

Easer is to forget it. No matter what stay there, just don’t touch it, don’t care about.

But the problem is what and how you need it exactly. If you can describe that, we will find a solution.