How to Changing the Amount Current for Stripe

I want to change the price of an existing customer who pays with Stripe.
How can I change only the price while maintaining membership?

Hi Abe-san.

s2Member doesn’t have a way to change the subscription’s payment amount. He’d need to subscribe again with the new price.

It may be possible from the Stripe Dashboard, editing his subscription in some way. For this I think it will be best if you contact Stripe Support.


Thank you for the reply

I contacted Stripe. They instructed how to create new products and assign payments.
I tried that method and changed Paid Subscr. ID: of S2Member.

Although the payment was unsuccessful, the display of S2Member’s EOT time and the cancellation email no longer work.

I am very in trouble.

Is it possible to change Paid Subscr. ID while maintaining the EOT function?

the display of S2Member’s EOT time and the cancellation email no longer work.

I’m not sure I understand what you meant.

Is it possible to change Paid Subscr. ID while maintaining the EOT function?

You can enter any subscr ID you want in the WP user’s profile. Stripe will send notifications to s2Member about events, like a subscription cancellation, but if the subscr ID doesn’t match a user, the notification gets ignored.

The EOT time will be set when s2Member gets notified about the user’s subscription (based on his subscr ID), ended. Or you can set the EOT time manually editing his profile…

Does that help?

Thank you.

Should I manually match Stripe with the Paid Subscr. ID and Paid Subscr. CID in s2Member Configuration & Profile Fields?

[s2Eot /] short cord is not working.

Are you increasing or decreasing the price?

If you’re decreasing, then I don’t see a reason why a subscriber wouldn’t want to subscribe again after you cancel it.

And if you’re increasing, it’s probably best to cancel and let the customer resubscribe at the higher price to avoid any surprises.

Changing subscriptions on the back end can be taken advantage of by some (not to say you are, but I can imagine some have) so Stripe and s2 don’t natively have an easy way to do it, which I think is a good thing.

I know I’d be upset if a subscription price went up without my interaction. And if it went down I wouldn’t mind taking an extra step.


Thank you for the idea.

It is a plan price increase. This is due to the change in the Japanese tax rate from 10/1, but there was a problem because the price including tax was set in advance.