How to add renew button for membership and How to deal with EOT for specific date?

I am using s2Member Pro. I want to create a membership that will support till 15th April of the current year and there will not be any recurring payment per month in that particular year.
My shortcode is

$now = strtotime(‘now’);
$fixed_eot_time = strtotime(“2019-04-15 23:59:59”);
$days_until_fixed_eot_time = round(($fixed_eot_time - $now) / DAY_IN_SECONDS);

[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level=“1” desc="$0.01 USD / Access Until April 15th, 2019" ra=“15” rr=“BN” rt=“D” rp="[php]echo $days_until_fixed_eot_time;[/php]" accept_coupons=“1” /]

Once the user’s membership finished that user should get a renew button on member options page but I could not find any shortcode for this.

  1. Is that possible to add renew button anyhow in s2member?
  2. As per my requirements, the shortcode I have created is a right or should I change something?
  1. I’d use [s2If]...[/s2If] conditionals to display the renew now button after the user’s EOT ran out. You’d need to clarify whether these users have a specific membership access level or CCAP in order to use the correct conditional code.

  2. Your code LOOKS okay to me, but you need to test it to make sure it works. I’m not the best at looking at code and knowing right away what it is supposed to do. :slight_smile:

JediShark, Thanks for your reply. I understood the [s2IF] conditions. It will definitely help me. One more thing can you share the renew button Shortcode? I could not found that in s2member plugin documentation.

There isn’t actually a “renewal” shortcode. Since the user’s subscription has actually expired and, I assume, they’ve been downgraded to Level 0, you’d use an upgrade shortcode, upgrading them to Level 1.