How can i change number of levels but keep my custom capabilities?

I would like to know if there is a way to keep my custom capabilities while increasing the number of s2member levels? The s-2-lock-roles-caps.php mu-plugin seems to also lock the number of levels.


Hi Peter.

When you can custom capabilities, do you mean s2’s access ccaps, or capabilities you customized s2’s roles with?

Hi Cristián
I am not sure what “s2’s access ccaps” is. But the capabilities are related to the roles.
So I think it is the last option that I am referring to.


Well, I haven’t tried adding levels after having customized and locked the existing ones, or remember someone having asked/solved this before. It’s likely that the customizations will get lost. I’m sorry I don’t have a solution off the top of my head.

I think it’ll be good to just go over each of your existing roles, make notes of the custom capabilities you added. Then add the new levels you need, and if you find that the capabilities were lost, just add them back.


I know this is a special case and we don’t encounter it that often.
Your suggested approach is what we have been doing so far.
But thanks for your quick replies and thanks for reviving this great plugin :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much, Peter! You made my day. :smiley: