Getting Stripe billing information

Hi guys,

Is it possible to get the data of the billing information that the user writes in the stripe pro-form?

How do you create invoices for your customers? I created a payment notification script, but I have problem with the billing information of customers. I need this information to apply the VAT.

Until now, I get the information from a custom profile field. My problem here is that those fields don’t appear when the user is logged in.

I know the users can update their information on the s2member-profile-shortcode, but that’s not always the case. We get no billing data for free registrations.

I found some sites with the theme

but that didn’t help me :confused:

I would be happy if you could give me some orientation or feedback.


The easiest way is to do this through Stripe itself, rather than s2Member. Just pick the appropriate software from the list here:

Taxamo is the obvious choice, but you might have a different idea.

Hi Tim,

Thank you for your input, I think that is a very good way to archive this with the Stripe API. Till s2Member adds support to this feature :wink:

I didn’t hear about Taxamo, I will see the service they offer. I coud solve that with the TAX for EU, with ACF plus some php code.