Gateway-core-ipn.log logs entries of sold items outside s2Member

Is this normal behavior ?

I checked the gateway-core-ipn.log, found entries with the amount matching one of the products that has recently sold on our site (and the s2Member options does not have this amount). Also the description listed the name of that specific WooCommerce product.

Either something is broken, or the description is incorrect:

Description for gateway-core-ipn.log: This log file records all communication between s2Member and the IPN/Webhook/Callback services associated with various payment gateways. All transactions pass through s2Member’s core processor, and they will be logged in this file; including transactions processed via s2Member Pro-Forms—for all Payment Gateway integrations.

… or could it be that the gateway-core-ipn.log gets every transaction to the PayPal account ? I noticed the slight different description on “item_name” than the name of the product selling for that price, also some not at all related text in “item_name” as “Payment to … for invoice …”. and entries with txn_type set to “virtual terminal”, “send_money”, “invoice_payment” and “subscr_eot” (which I suspect is s2Member)

In that case, the description is incorrect…