Forgot password redirects on membership options page


On page wp-login, the link “forgot password” redirects to Membership options page. Do you know why ?

Thank you

Have you customized the password reset page? It sounds like you have, and that that page is protected by s2Member.

Hi Tim,

No, I haven’t. I wouldn’t know how to do that, and I didn’t even know it was possible…How can I check if it has been modified ?

Sophie, try looking at the URL to which you get redirected after clicking on the “forgot password” link. Is it just the URL for the Membership Options Page, or does it also contain a string of other characters? If the latter, could you paste those characters here?

Thank you for your help,

Here are the characters : ?_s2member_vars=page…level…2…page…1347…L2Zvcm1hdGlvbi1ibG9nLXByb2Zlc3Npb25uZWwvZm9ydW0vP3dwZm9ybz1sb3N0cGFzc3dvcmQ%3D&_s2member_sig=1517254595-1dcedfaf77bae033ba46ac386426b193


That means that you were trying to access a page with the ID of 1347, but that is protected at level 2.

So you need to figure out which page has that ID. A plugin like Reveal IDs will make it easy. Then I think you will realize what the problem is.

Thank you,

It redirects to my forum page (which is restricted). It’s managed by wpforo plugin and I had to set up something in it. It works fine now, thanks a lot.

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