Events Manager for Non-Logged In Users

I am using s2member for the registration and login on my website. I am also using Events Manager for calendar events. When I have a non-logged in user try to view a specific event, the page comes up as ‘Oops, page can’t be found.’ The post is there, however, not to non-logged in users and this is a deceiving message.

I want to use s2member to also restrict that page to redirect them to the registration page. However, the events tags and events post types do not seem to be registering with s2member under their restrictions, or it is being overridden by Events Manager. Is there a way to get the s2member page to show up instead?

Try resaving permalinks.

Hi Tim,

I tried that and it did not change the outcome. I am using the ‘Query All the Post Types’ plugin to get the post types and then adding that to the tags and post types in the restriction section of s2member. Example: ‘all-event’, etc.

Is there a flaw with my implementation in what I am doing?


I don’t understand what you need the Query … plugin for. Try deactivating it.

The Query was to see what the custom post type was of the events so I could add it the post type restriction list. All custom post type plugins are deactivated, no dice.

So this appears to only protect the permalinks, but the user has to click on the event to see the description of it and what I want to protect is the description, not the events calendar page. Does this change the settings I should be using?

Thanks Tim, I figured it out. The events when they got uploaded were not published, they were held in draft. Therefore s2member didn’t take effect until it was fully published.