Error 10548 while trying to process a credit card transaction

I am getting “Error #10548. Invalid Configuration. This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant’s account is not able to process transactions” while trying to complete a credit card transaction. I am using paypal API in my website for payments. How do I fix it?

Hi Tanvir.

PayPal says “This error usually occurs if you don’t have a business account.” I’m guessing you’re trying to use the pro-forms, not buttons, right?

Did you complete the s2Member-PayPal configuration and verify that it’s correct? WP Admin > s2Member Pro > PayPal Options

  • PayPal Account Details
  • PayPal IPN Integration
  • PayPal IPN Integration
  • PayPal PDT/Auto-Return Integration

Skip the PayFlow credentials, unless you have PayPal Pro PayFlow Edition.


Yes all those steps have been completed and in fact paypal payments are working except the credit card payments. My account has been declared as business as well.

I see… Hmm…

I searched some more and found this:

“The absence of a home or customer service phone number on your PayPal account can also trigger this error. […] check your PayPal account profile and make sure it includes a home phone number or a customer service phone number. Update your profile if necessary.”

Thanks Cristian. Apparently Paypal has added a restriction which caused this issue. Issue has been resolved now.