Email custom help

Hi guys, I am lookig for some help with my S2Mebers Pro plugin, I am getting a lot of spam registrations and wanted to know if there is a way to add a spacific field which can not be see i.e. the name of a city, which if not placed in the location box would not allow the form / submition to be sent?
any help with this please.

I did something similar with s2’s custom profile fields. WP Admin > s2Member > General Options > Registration/Profile Fields & Options

I created one that is required and must have at least 5 characters, because I was getting bots that kept entering two-letter country/state codes. After that I haven’t had a single bot registration.

Let me know if you try it and how it goes. I hope it helps!


Hi Thanks for the help. I have a field set up but this just get propogated with random text I was hoping to have it set up so it would be a spacific name or place that would allow the user to register, if that makes any sense?

Is it a field that makes sense for users? And what is it populated with by the bots? You can probably add a required length that makes sense for a real user’s answer, but isn’t met by the bots.
