Disable short links

Hi, my emails are being sent to spam due to URL shortener.

How can I disable that and just use my own domain?

If you use some URL shortener, delete the settings at “Sadhboard -> s2Member -> General Options -> URL Shortening Service Preference”. Or, if you use “tinyurl”, try to set some other, that needs SPI key, but not give the key.

If both these don’t works, it will need some custom code. Please find me if you need a developer.

not giving api key will result in tiny.url.
you could try a wrong or too restricted api key from goo.gl - but I doubt it will work. Yes this is pretty annoying.

That is one of the important areas where Optimizemember - actually has much better options (you can set None, but also use a custom shortening service)…

If you can tell me what file these options are in - then I can probably just copy in the code here.