Disable Set Password Emails for New Users

I am using the remote functions API to register users from another platform and set their passwords to a custom password. I have the registration setting set to allow custom passwords, but users are still getting emails prompting them to set their password with a link to wp-login.php

Any thoughts on how to disable this behavior?

Hi AP,

So you allow custom passwords, and they set it during registration, but they still get an email to set the password? That’s very odd.

Have you reproduced this behavior with a test registration?

Can I see a screenshot of your settings here? WP Admin > s2Member > General Options > Registration/Profile Fields & Options

If you haven’t yet, could you enable logging, reproduce the behavior, and show me the related log entries? WP Admin > s2Member > Log files


The users are created through the remote functions API, along with the password. Both the username and password set correctly, but users still get an email. I can manually add one, or add one through a registration form, and there is no email. Just when using the API.

I’ve enabled the logs. I will do another test and see what I get.