Custom Field Shortcodes not working

Hi there, I’m trying to use custom field shortcodes to display data on my member account page. However, it’s not working for some reason- I’m not sure if I’m missing something obvious or if I’m having an issue on my end.

Here is an example shortcode that I’m using:
[s2Get user_field=“phone_number” /]
And then a screen shot showing the field ID:

I have also confirmed that it is visible after registration and has data in it. I have looked in multiple accounts and it shows up empty in all places.

I’ve tried deactivating all other plugins and testing on a different default WP theme but still no luck. I also tried checking if I could get a specific user’s custom field data ([s2Get user_field=“phone_number” user_id=“13” /]), but that also didn’t work. Any insight?

Was experimenting with custom field outcomes elsewhere, and came up with a different odd issue: in the Member_List shortcode, custom field outputs seem to work except for the phone_number one, which spits out a date.

It seems that if I have a phone number with no separation, such as 1234567890, this occurs. If it does have separation (like 123.456.7890), it displays correctly.

I made a release today that includes a fix for this.

Let me know how it goes. :slight_smile:

This worked, thanks! The second issue in the member listing is still occurring, fyi.

Also, I did not get a notification about the plugin update in the WP dashboard and had to update manually. Is there a setting or something I should enable? Thanks.

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I don’t know if there’s a setting, I believe wordpress notifies you of available updates quite soon after the release.

I’ve heard that those hosted in WP Engine may have a lag, though, not sure if that’s your case.

But manual updates work fine, that’s perfectly alright.

This worked, thanks!

Thanks for confirming it!

The second issue in the member listing is still occurring, fyi.


It seems that if I have a phone number with no separation, such as 1234567890, this occurs. If it does have separation (like 123.456.7890), it displays correctly.

That’s interesting… it’s confusing it with a timestamp (10 digits)…

What format did you set for that custom profile field in its configuration? Could you how me a screen shot of the field’s editor?


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Hey there, I have the Expected Format set to Phone Number. Here are the screenshots of all the settings!