I am wondering if I can somehow make s2Member Pro do this.
I offer pdf, jpg, mp4 as downloadable content. I want the pdf & jpg’s to use my amazon s3 bucket. I want the mp4’s to grab them from Vimeo as a direct link but mask it so they can’t see it where it is coming from.
Currently, I have my video download pages locked down with ccaps to prevent anyone from accessing the page. I then use an iframe to tell the system to download the file and make it look like its coming from my domain. My issue here is if you know what you are doing you can look at the page code by inspecting it and get the video URL. Is there a way that anyone knows of on masking it so users can’t see the file link. This has puzzled me the last days and thought I’d ask here.
Amazon is affordable but there have been a few months that my monthly bill has been extremely high. The bulk of my transfers are from the video and I can host the video files from Vimeo with no data charge.
With WooCommerce it masks the download URL from another site of mine but I don’t have Woo installed on my members’ area.
I have ezPHP installed but I’ve not been able to figure it out using PHP yet.
Thanks for any advice,