Coupon with "ta-only" does not work

I have created some coupon codes with “ta-only” as the directive but when a customer tries to use them, they do not work. It gives a message saying “Sorry, your discount code is not applicable”. If I remove the “ta-only” from the directive and leave it blank, then it works.

Is there something else I need to do to make that work?


I still haven ot figured this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Still hoping to get this addressed. Can anyone help with this?

It looks like the community is a bit more active recently so wanted to see if I can get some help with this. It still seems to be an issue that has not been addressed.


Hi Corey! Good to have you back. :slight_smile:

It’s funny, I just helped someone else with this same thing. Could you please show me the shortcode for the pro-form where the coupon is being used? Thanks!

I look forward to your update.

Thanks Cristian. Sorry for the delay ( I did not get a notification about your reply).

Here is what I have:

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form success="/thank-you" ccaps="" cc=“USD” custom=“” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“D” rp=“1” rr=“1” coupon="" default_country_code=“US” captcha=“0” accept_coupons=“1” level=“2” desc=“Plus - $8/month, paid yearly ($96)” ra=“96” rt=“Y” /]

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I guess the notification may have gone to the Spam, or if Gmail, maybe to one of the other inbox tabs…

Thanks for the shortcode. I see the problem. ta-only in the coupon, refers to the “trial amount”. There is no trial/initial amount to apply the coupon to in your subscription. For the trial/initial period you use these attributes: ta, tp and tt. WP Admin > s2Member Pro > Stripe Pro-Forms > Shortcode Attributes Explained

If what you want is for the coupon to discount only the first year’s payment, you’d create an initial term of 1 year at $96 (or maybe very slightly different, if PayPal complains that it can’t be the same as the regular payments). E.g.

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“2” ccaps="" desc=“Plus - $8/month, paid yearly ($96)” custom=“” default_country_code=“US” cc=“USD” ta=“96” tp=“1” tt=“Y” rr=“1” ra=“96” rp=“1” rt=“Y” accept_coupons=“1” coupon="" captcha=“0” success="/thank-you" /]

Let me know if that helps. :slight_smile:

OK, I think I get it but what is confusing is there doesn’t really seem to be a difference then between what I have and what you have, in terms of payments, right? What you have and what I have still charges the customer $96 right away and every year.

Is that right, or am I missing something?

There is a difference, because you’re not using an initial term in yours, there is no trial amount, so there’s nothing to apply the “trial amount only” coupon to.

There’s the regular payment term of the subscription, and then there’s the trial term, which can be free or paid. This term is separate from the regular term.

If you want to apply a coupon to a subscription, if applied to the regular term, then all payments will be at the discounted price. To discount only the first payment, a trick is to add an paid trial term (aka initial term), even if it’s practically the same as the regular one in terms of time and money. But it’s separate, and that allows you to apply a discount there without affecting also the following payments.

Does it make more sense now? :slight_smile:

Ya, that makes sense. The part that I was confused about was how the customers were still getting charged the correct amount even though I have ta set to 0. Not a huge deal since that part is working correclty but just explaining my confusion.

thanks for all your help

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Ah, I understand. My pleasure! Let me know if you need help again. :slight_smile: