In our Stripe Options/Modification Confirmation Email, we specify the ‘desc’ using:
Your are now enrolled in : %%item_name%%.
However, when a coupon is used %%item_name%% is being modified.
So where the item description is:
desc=“2-Day Breastfeeding Champion Course - Madison WI. Jan. 13-14, 2017”
I want my customers to get a receipt that states:
Your are now enrolled in : 2-Day Champion Course – Madison WI. Jan. 13-14, 2017.
But after using a coupon they are getting a geeky message which is causing confusion as to what their status is:
Your are now enrolled in : Discount: 100% off. (Now: $0.00 for 3 years) ~ ORIGINALLY: 2-Day Champion Course – Madison WI. Jan. 13-14, 2017.
Can this be prevented? If not, please consider this to be a change request.