Contact Support or Sales for refund

I need a refund for this plugin. I am not able to use it because PayPal doesn’t allow for multiple IPN’s and I am already using PayPal IPN with Easy Digital Downloads. The support page at s2member pro has only broken links or links that don’t take you anywhere. Why do you make it so hard to contact support ? You don’t have any emails or phone numbers or anything on the site.

Hi Carlos.

Sorry about the difficulty to email. Actually, replying to the invoice email is the way I usually get emailed about this. I’ll look at improving this, though. Sorry about the inconvenience.

I can give you the refund, but first I want to make sure you actually need it, because PayPal actually can handle multiple IPN URLs.

Although PayPal only allows one IPN URL in its configuration, that’s only the default, and apps can set the IPN URL at the time of transaction. s2Member will set the IPN URL at the time of payment and will receive the IPNs there instead of PayPal sending them to its default address. One PayPal account could be in use by several applications, and it wouldn’t be possible if custom IPN URLs weren’t allowed.

Does that help clarify it?

If you test s2Member with PayPal (live transactions, not test mode), and make sure that the IPN URL over at PayPal is not s2Member’s, create a subscription (1 cent daily, for example) or do a buy-now payment (1 cent), with s2’s logging enabled, you’ll see the IPN show up in the core-ipn log. WP Admin > s2Member > Log Files

Please try that and let me know how it went.

I look forward to your update. :slight_smile:

Hi Carlos.

Did you see my reply?

It’s fine to answer either way. If this works for you now that I cleared up the misunderstanding, great. If you still want the refund for whatever reason, that’s fine. But I’d like to hear from you before taking action on this.

I look forward to your reply. :slight_smile:

By the way, I also saw your email and replied to you there, with cc to the other people you included.