Complex subscription process

Hi i wanted to ask if S2 member can do what i am trying to do.

We have 2 memberships and 12 addons that are also monthly payments.

membership 1 they pay for the sub and then just pay for any addons. I would like to make the billing happen at the same time as one payment instead of one for the subscription and another as the addon/s

second membership gets two addons included. i need to allow them to choose these from a list. then any further addons are paid.

is s2 member capable of doing this without me setting up every variation of every addon and subscription?

Membership 1 can certainly be done. You’d have users sign up for a membership level, and then offer them the ability to upgrade, via a Billing Modification button or form, by using a custom capability (ccap) for each add-on.

Membership 2 is much more difficult because the included add-ons will change from member to member. For that, you would need to develop some custom code to count the number of ccaps that the member currently has.

Membership 2 is a challenge, but possible too. Each add-on should be a new ccap. You will need a set of “signup” and “Billing Modification” buttons or forms, and show the exactly one by [s2If conditions], where conditions check for the current set of ccaps of the exactly member.

Alternatively, you may create one “signup” or “Billing Modification” button or form, and to set need ccaps in it (instead to use different forms/buttons), but conditions are more sophisticated (still I would prefer this way).