Good Morning,
Now that I have a better understanding how to use Comet Cache, it has really worked out well for us—thanks.
Should an emergency situation on our college campus arise (fire, power outage, active shooter, etc…), I can post a specialized alert header bar to our home page. I can do this via email to post, or of course, on the backend on a laptop or desktop. If by email from a mobile phone, then I need to be able to clear the cache for the home page quickly on a mobile device. I think the best way to do this would be to aggregate your KB posts ( and ( PHP is not my specialty, but would something like this work with a mu-plugin?
<?php add_action('init', function() { if(!empty($_GET['cc_clear']) && $_GET['cc_clear'] === 'my-secret-key') { comet_cache::clearPage(87); exit('cache cleared'); } }); I only want to show the alert bar on the home page and therefore only want to clear the home page. Or, maybe there is a better way to do this? Thanks in advance, Jason