Chrome Specific Download Problem Possibly Bug


These 2 urls work for me in IE and Firefox but not Chrome.

You have login to test or repeat. I tested unprotected pdfs in Chrome and they seemed to work. This works fine.

Doesn’t seem to be a PHP problem. I tried 5.6.36 to no avail.

I should have checked the console. This is the message.

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/pdf: “

Username: testuser
Password: Password123

Any ideas or thoughts?

Update: It’s a conflict of some kind.


Works for me, reinstall your Chrome, maybe…


It was a production bug I didn’t leave the example on my test page. You might have tried another link sorry.

I put it here same credentials.

I had other confirmed users with the same issue and it certainly didn’t work on my iPhone Chrome or Safari or Win 7 box Chrome. It’s the first production problem I’ve had with s2member and at this point I am basically an s2member/Wordpress developer. It still does not work for me.

I did try to replicate on a blank install to no avail and disabling all the other plugins one at a time produced no results.

In addition I tested Chrome PDF downloads on my box and they were fine.

I also looked at my custom theme but I gave up there.

I decided to serve the files securely from s3 bypassing s2member, we were already there and it actually makes sense for us.

So workaround was the solution.

So Win 7
Chorme (Not Working)
FF (Working)
IE (Working


Thanks for looking. I really don’t have a lot of contacts in the s2member community but this has to do with ajax or js and I did have other users confirm.

The workaround took me 2 days.

