Changing Stripe Checkout button text

Hey there,

I’m trying to figure out how to change the text on the Stripe Checkout button. After you add a Stripe Pro Form, and you click on Add Billing Method, it pops up a Stripe Checkout modal for collecting the Credit Card info. I can’t find anywhere in the code where I can change the text in front of the amount to pay. For example, if I’m charging $20, right now it says “Add $20.00”, but I want it to say “Pay $20.00”. From the Stripe documentation at it looks like the correct parameter is data-panel-label, but I can’t find that value anywhere in the files. Can anyone point me where I can edit this?

Thank you!

Haven’t tried
But u can try use Best search and replace plugin and search the string and replace it with something else inside the code

All free function