CCAP overriding Drip?

Hello, first post as I’m having real trouble working this out:

Basically, I have a course with two types of learner, graduates and students.

Graduates I want to be able to see ALL modules straight away, students I want content dripped every 7 days.

I was assuming it’d be a simply something like this

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_graduate) AND current_user_is(s2member_level2)]
[s2If s2Drip access=“level1” from_day=“7”]


[/s2Drip] [/s2If]

But the drip does not work with this short code combination.

Any help would really be appreciated.

I’m using thrive apprentice and thrive themes, if that makes a difference.

Try changing this:

[s2If s2Drip access="level1" from_day="7"]

to this:

[s2Drip access="level1" from_day="7"]

Hey, I’ve update that but still seem to be getting an issue.

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_graduate) AND current_user_is(s2member_level2)]
[s2Drip access=“level1” from_day=“7”]


[/s2Drip] [/s2If]

See attached image. Is something incorrect here?

Well, you haven’t copied my code correctly. You have an [else] before you actually provide any content.

More significantly, though, is this user at day 7? Because, if not, they shouldn’t see anything, should they?

Ok, so I’m getting this correctly:

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_ccap_graduate) AND current_user_is(s2member_level2)]


[s2Drip access=“level1” from_day=“7”]


[/s2Drip] [/s2If]

So I’m putting the content in twice?

I have two sets of students:

1 set have already studied my content on another platform and need access to everything (level 2, graduate CCAP)

The other set are new students who need to be dripped over 7 day intervals.

BOTH sets of users are brand new (accounts were created on the same day).

Yes, you need to put it in twice: once for those captured by the first conditional, and once for those captured by the second. Otherwise the first group see nothing.

I should say that such duplication isn’t always what’s required: some people show quite different content to each such group.

Got it. Thanks Tim. Appreciate you taking the time to come back to me.