Can't open the file which is downloaded

I have problems to open the downloaded file.
A logged in member can click on the download link and he will get the pdf file without any problems. But when he tries to open the file, he get an error text like this: „Can’t open the xxx.pdf file. It is perhaps damaged or has a format which is unknown.“
I have the same problem with all downloaded pdf files.
But when I download the same files with a ftp software I can open them without any problems.
Does anybody has an idea what’s wrong with my S2 member download?

Where/how you try to open the file, when you see the error? Maybe the problem is in that software.

It is my normal Mac software which opens all the other files without any problems.

When a member opens the file, is s/he doing so in the browser? In other words, is this what s2Member calls an “inline” download?

If so, then you need to check your site’s .htaccess file. You might be able to fix it simply by deactivating and then reactivating s2Member.

This sound more like an Apache (or whatever Web Server you’re using) config setting.

Downloading files via FTP has nothing to do with your Apache config, so isn’t really useful… well… all you can tell from this is your file is intact, which you already knew.

Try placing your PDF file into your WordPress root directory + then post a link to download the file here.

Likely a simple curl -I -L url-to-your-pdf will show problem + suggest a resolution.