Can expired members sign up to new membership package


My client has an issue with his website that when expired members want to sign up to a new package they can’t. He’s had to delete their user account and sign them up all over again.

Is there a way to have them introduced to packages when they try and sign in?

Hi Daniel.

What do you mean by packages?

If a user’s access expired and his account got demoted to level 0, it’s possible for him to upgrade back up. You just need to make sure that he’s logged into the account when the page with the payment form/button gets loaded, so his account gets referenced.

Does that answer the question? If not, please give some more details to help me understand.


I believe that answers my question regarding non-active members. But…

If users are on Level 5 recurring payments and then purchase a lifetime plan which assigns to Level 5 as well:

Will they be switched to lifetime instead recurring (I added rt=“L” to the short code you mentioned in a previous thread)?

Just want to make sure they don’t get billed twice or part of 2 plans at once. Just switched to the lifetime plan.

Ah, got it. Well, the best would be for you to test it and see the behavior. It’s always best to do a test of your configuration to see if things run the way you expect them, or to understand how they behave.

You can use your Stripe test API credentials, or do small live transactions if it’s the production site. Create a 50 cent/day subscription for level 5, signup with a test account, then logged into that account, do the single payment for lifetime level 5, and check in Stripe if the subscription is still active or if it was ended, and then verify that no EOT time was set for the test user in his WP profile.


If I’m trying to setup a lifetime membership:

rt=L for Lifetime

What do I set rp=? do I set it to ZERO?

As this is an indefinite membership with a one time fee.

Current shortcode:

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“5” ccaps="" desc="$.50 CAD + tax (lifetime membership)" cc=“CAD” custom=“” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“D” ra=".50" rp="" rt=“L” rr=“0” coupon="" accept_coupons=“1” default_country_code=“CA” captcha=“0” /]

I’m noticing that inactive members are set to Level 1. If they try to signup for a new package will they be able to register and signup to a new plan (level). All inactive members will be offered a lifetime plan which I’ve posted about in a separate thread.

Just want to make sure once we send them the link to purchase the lifetime plant they will become Level 5 w/ lifetime access.

You can see details for an inactive member below:

If the user gets level 5 and doesn’t get an EOT time, he won’t be demoted.

EOT time is set immediately when a buy-now doesn’t give lifetime access, or when a subscription ends. He’d also lose the level 5 if you sell him another level with one of the above that’d set the EOT. Oh, and the automatic EOT behavior would need to be set to demotion.

Another way of doing it, with a hack, would be to sell level 6 to your users (levels give incremental access, so you can sell level 5 without lifetime, and level 6 can access level 5 content), and set level 6 demotion to level 6 (so even if demoted, he’d still keep that level). :stuck_out_tongue:

Just want to make sure once we send them the link to purchase the lifetime plant they will become Level 5 w/ lifetime access.

To make sure, test it before sending it.

And if there ever was a problem with someone losing the access for whatever reason, you can also just go edit his profile manually, give him the higher level, and verify there’s no EOT. So it’ll be fine.


I actually just picked an inactive user, changed their password and made a purchase on the lifetime plan and it seemed to have worked.

In stripe - no subscriptions.
Level - updated to level 5

Is there anything or screenshots I can send so you can verify this is 100% and there are no concerns. Just want to be sure.

What’s the variable to make sure there is no end of term (EOT) in the WP user profile?

Thanks for all your help!

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In the usermeta table of the database, it’d be the meta_key: wp_s2member_auto_eot_time.

In the user’s profile, just look for the EOT field in the s2Member section.


Is this what you mean?

“Automatic EOT Time” field is blank.

I tried searching the user_meta table in phpmyadmin and can’t even locate that field:

SELECT user_id, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_key = “wp_s2member_auto_eot_time” AND meta_value != ‘’;

Does this help?

You can add an EOT time in the profile of some user, save, and then look it up at the end of usermeta to see how it looks.

From what you’re showing and telling me, it seems to be fine. And again, if you need to fix something in the future, it’s as simple as editing a user’s profile to give him the right level or remove an EOT. It doesn’t look like you’ll need to with what you have, though.



It worked fine using the predefined Level 5 membership but we want to separate lifetime memberships on a new level (level 16) which would have the same capabilities of level 5.

I updated the role of level 16 to match level 5 but have an issue…

When the user logs in they see:

You were trying to access a protected area. To become a HAPPEN member select an account option.

They’re supposed to see a welcome page similar to when a level 5 member logs in.

Also registering as level 16 is missing fields and when logged in the edit profile is also missing fields that are available to level 5.

What am I missing?

Thanks again for the help!

Do you mean custom profile fields? Did you specify the level for them?

Yes,How would I do that?

You specify the level they are for, in the configuration of the custom field. I was asking about it, because you said that the fields were missing when changing the level, so I thought maybe you made them good only for some levels and not others.

About the Lifetime membership, since it has the same access as 5, you could just leave them at 5 and give them a “lifetime” custom capability to recognize them.


I was referring to registration form fields.

Are you saying if I add the custom capability of “Lifetime” it will allow me to identify “subscription” vs “lifetime” members under Level 5?

If so, how would I edit the shortcode below:

[slider][s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“16” ccaps="" desc="$.50 CAD + tax (lifetime membership)" cc=“CAD” custom=“” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“Y” ra=".50" rp=“1” rt=“L” rr=“BN” coupon="" accept_coupons=“1” default_country_code=“CA” captcha=“0” /]

Based on the video I watched, the capabilities would be specified on the pages such as setting page level restrictions? Id like to avoid doing this but it would be helpful to be able to identify members of both types (subscription vs lifetime).

Hope this made sense.

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If you want to give users different access, then the higher level may make sense. If it’s only to identify them, then the ccap would be plenty.

Using the ccap is great for access control too, but it’ll require you to add conditionals to pages, where the higher level role already includes access to the lower level content.

If the access is the same, then both, lifetime or subscriber, can stay at the same level. Level controls access, not payment plan. The ccap would be a sort of tag to recognize them, or for some special content you put out just for them sometimes.

To add the ccap to the shortcode, just put it in the ccaps attribute: ccaps="lifetime"

[s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level=“16” ccaps=“lifetime” desc="$.50 CAD + tax (lifetime membership)" cc=“CAD” custom=“” ta=“0” tp=“0” tt=“Y” ra=".50" rp=“1” rt=“L” rr=“BN” coupon="" accept_coupons=“1” default_country_code=“CA” captcha=“0” /]

Another advantage to using the level is that it’s easy to list them by level role in the WP Admin > Users page.

Does that make more sense now? :slight_smile:

True, the access would be the same except the payment plan so they can stay on the same level. It all makes sense.

Is there a way of exporting members based on the ccaps identifier? This way I can find out how many lifetime members vs subscription members under level 5.

Thanks for the reply and great support.

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You can use the s2Member Pro exporter to get a CSV of all the users, then sort them by the ccaps column and get the ones you want. WP Admin > s2Member Pro > Import/Export > Users
