Brute Force/Unique IP/Simultaneous Login

Hi there,

i have some problems with blocked users due to s2member Brute Force/Unique IP/Simultaneous Login settings.

Is there a way to see the data s2member is logging? Where are the IP address stored for example which s2member uses to decide if a user login should be blocked? Any way to see this info?

Just a hint for the database structure would be great. If there is no visualisation i can do a bit of mysql and php myself. But of course i need a possibility to access these data.

I just want to have the possibility to see what is stored and whats happening if a user asks me why he is blocked.

Hi Torsten.

I hadn’t checked before, so I looked it up now. The login attempts of the same IP are counted and saved as a transient in the WP “options” table.

See: \s2member\src\includes\classes\

		 * Tracks failed login attempts.
		 * Prevents an attacker from guessing Usernames/Passwords.
		 * Allows only 5 failed login attempts every 30 minutes.
		 * @package s2Member\Brute_Force
		 * @since 3.5
		 * @attaches-to ``add_action('wp_login_failed');``
		 * @param string $username Expects the $username to be passed in through the Hook.
		public static function track_failed_logins($username = '')
			foreach(array_keys(get_defined_vars()) as $__v) $__refs[$__v] =& $$__v;
			do_action('ws_plugin__s2member_before_track_failed_logins', get_defined_vars());
			unset($__refs, $__v);

			if(($max = $GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['max_failed_login_attempts']))
				$exp_secs = strtotime('+'.apply_filters('ws_plugin__s2member_track_failed_logins__exp_time', '30 minutes', get_defined_vars())) - time();
				// If you add Filters to this value, you should use a string that is compatible with PHP's strtotime() function.

				$ip = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_ip::current(); // Default value.
				   && c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_conds::pro_is_installed()
				   && c_ws_plugin__s2member_pro_remote_ops::is_remote_op('auth_check_user')
				) $ip = $GLOBALS['s2member_pro_remote_op_auth_check_user_ip'];

				$transient = 's2m_ipr_'.md5('s2member_transient_failed_login_attempts_'.$ip);
				set_transient($transient, (int)get_transient($transient) + 1, $exp_secs);
			do_action('ws_plugin__s2member_after_track_failed_logins', get_defined_vars());

I hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Hi Christian,

thanks for your reply.

i was able to find the transients saved in the database. It looks like that:

|    374127 | _transient_s2m_ipr_299c90a09d8989f8f0909f8f90f0 | a:2:{s:12:"95.XX.XXX.XX";i:1553204427;s:13:"160.XXX.XXX.XXX";i:1553230551;}  

So i think a user is recorded with two different ip addresses. Fine. But which user is it? I am missing the connection between this transient and the user, which will be blocked if to many ip addresses are recognized with his account login.

I hoped to find the user id or the username to identify the user. Any idea how to find the corresponding user?

It doesn’t look like the username is saved with the login attempt, and the IP is not saved for the user because the login didn’t succeed.

More than a login log feature, this is to specifically prevent the attacks. I think it could be expanded, but I understand why Jason didn’t go that far with this.

I think you can combine the power of this restriction, with the logging that another plugin provides, e.g.


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Thanks for the hint. I’ll give it a try.

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I disable the s2 login protection and use WordFence for that (and more) security features. You even get a nice dashboard to see who’s blocked and unblock them.

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