Auto-EOT cancel not working for 1 Level

For some reason, only Level #2 users are not being downgraded automatically at the end of their term. All other Levels get downgraded fine though.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

In general options > Membership level/labels, at the bottom there is a “reset roles/capabilities” button. I’m not 100% sure what this does but it the label did get me thinking that I may have changed the label for level #2. Would that cause this issue? If so, would clicking the button fix it?


Hi Corey.

The label shouldn’t have anything to do with that… And it’s really weird that only one of the levels would not get the EOT behavior.

Is that level getting an EOT time set? Is it being sold differently than the other levels?


It appears that the users are not getting a EOT. What would cause that?

While looking at that, I got to analyzing the EOT time in the database more and it appears that upcoming users have an EOT set so maybe I had something not set up correctly a year ago when I first started using S2Member (This is a yearly paid product). Iw will monitor that over the next couple days and check back in.

The other levels are monthly plans, which could explain my thoughts above since those cancelations were from much more recent users.


Cool! Thanks for the update. I look forward to the next one.

Whether yearly or monthly, as long as the subscription exists, no EOT time is set. Only when the subscription ends, for whatever reason, then the EOT time is set for the user. Buy-now transactions set the EOT immediately, though. Just keep those in mind.


Update: It seems all is well. I’m not sure what happened to the first handful of users but it seems to be limited to just them. It seems like it will work moving forward.

Sometimes it might be hosting. When I started with s2 I was on shared hosting, but then started getting random unexplained errors when my site got popular so I moved to an unmanaged VPS because I’m kind of a tech nerd that could manage it. Now I use a managed host. Feel free to message me for more details if you’d like them.

Thanks. At this point, I am just happy that it’s working.