Authorize.NET - Renew via Modification Form Not Working

I have a “renew” page (AuthNET Billing Modification Pro Form) where users can renew their existing accounts before they run out. According to the s2Member docs and forum, successfully submitting this form before their account is EOT should append the additional account time to the existing account.

It does not. A new transaction is created (new Transaction ID) on Authorize.NET and the original account in WordPress EOT time is not updated.

Need help to fix this ASAP.

Checking in for a status on this.

This isn’t support. This is a members forum. So you won’t get “a status” here.

If you have the Pro version, you should open a support ticket.

I did, on the 11th - if anyone has working “renewals” for existing accounts with Authorize.NET I hope they chime in - posting the status check doesn’t make sense in retrospect though, since it seems un-monitored.