Anyone Else Having Issues with s2Member Export After Today's Plugin Update?

I’m having problems with s2Member Export following a site migration yesterday and today’s update. All of the columns in the CSV from “First Payment Date” on are blank. The data exists in the database and can be exported with the Export User Data plugin, but the formatting on that export is totally unusable because of serialized arrays and timestamps, etc…

I opened a GitHub issue here, but wanted to post on the forums as well in case anybody else is having similar issues or has any ideas about what could cause this.

Note that I have a developmental site with almost the exact same configuration (and user database, for that matter) that the s2Member Export is still working on. The developmental site was NOT migrated from A2 to SiteGround though, it has always been on SiteGround. In addition, s2Member IMPORT was working following the site migration…

Any ideas of where to start looking here? I’m 90% sure it isn’t a plugin/theme conflict since the dev and production sites have almost identical configurations. If nothing jumps out at the devs on GitHub I will start the arduous testing for conflicts, but don’t want to waste my time if I don’t have to do that. (Man, I hated it when people said that when I worked for WebSharks. :wink: )

I have a related problem. It would be really useful for us to know when people made their first payment, as this is when they first become a member of our organisation. It can be very different from their registration date, as many people stay as free subscribers for months or years before they actually join.
This information doesn’t seem to be accessible from the Dashboard.
If you do an export, it is one of the columns, immediately following Registration date, but it looks like something like this: a:2:{s:5"level";i:nnnnnnnnnnn,s:6:“level2”;i::nnnnnnnnnn;} where nnnnnnnnn is a number. Not exactly recognisable as a date. The columns on either side contain Registration Date and Last Payment Date, as readable dates albeit in US format (irritating as Excel can’t cope). Can someone explain what the weird code means and if there is anyway of extracting a readable date from it?

The field as a whole contains a serialized array. I’m not sure what the first entry (the “level” one) represents. The following entries represent the date of payments for specific levels, however. The nnnnnnnnnn in all entries is a Unix timestamp. This timestamp could be extracted and converted to a readable date using the formula explained here. You could create a new worksheet and create a macro to copy some user-identifying column for each row and then extract the data from the First Payment Date. I would help you out there but working it out would take up about 2 days worth of the time I allot to volunteering to answer questions here. :wink:

Oh, by the way, there is a problem with Simple Exports in s2Member v170221. See this GitHub issue for a patch if you need to make exports before the next release.