Advice on Setup - Paid Restricted Custom Post Type Pages

Hi there

I have been running S2Member Prop on a website for a number if years - totally love this plugin.

I have run into a slight brain freeze and looking for advice on how to setup something. I will include how the site is running currently.

Current Setup:

  • Wordpress News Site which has open content and some content and pages is restricted to members only
  • We are using a Pro Form Field no memberships set as such, it is free registration on the Pro Form only.


  • I have a custom content created with Advanced Custom Fields PRO which is generating reports.
  • It lists the reports with a title, image and excerpt. When you currently click on a report…you can view the details of it as page / post of the custom field / content.

So this is the tricky part - i would like to charge a once off flat fee to access all the reports for free and non registered users. So ideally when they click on the reports they are prompted to pay to view the section - all content must be hidden and only visible to someone who has paid.

Any advise? I dont want to sell individual reports.


Probably the best way to do this is to use [s2If][/s2If] on each content page. Set a CCAP for seeing the reports. In one section of the [s2If] have a form for purchasing that CCAP. In another section have the content display if the User already has the CCAP.
