Advanced Member Level Restrictions - Is this possible, if so how?

I think I know the answer to this, but maybe I am wrong.
I have 3 levels –

  • Level 0 (Free Downloads, limited to 2 downloads a month)
  • Level 1 (Paid Downloads, Limited to 8 downloads a month)
  • Level 2 (Paid Downloads, Limited to 12 downloads a month)

I understands how the hierarchy of S2Member works, i.e. Higher levels have access to lower levels unless you use Custom Capabilities to change this. What I want to be able do is only allow Level 1 and Level 2 to be able to download 2 files from the Level 0 (Free Downloads) a month.

Is this possible and if so how or where do I start?


Only 2 files from Level 0, no more. I thought I better make myself clear. :grinning: