Does it affect anything to add new membership levels (via the wp-config) once we already have thousands of members with 6 membership levels?
Adding new membership levels
No. The membership levels you already have will remain; the others will be additions (from level 7 onwards).
Of course, a prudent person would always back things up before making changes to that file.
Hello. I am having a similar issue, want to create a new level 2 to replace the existing one - which means the existing level 2 subscribers become level 3. But, I don’t want to make changes if it mess up existing billing arrangements. Thanks a lot, Roger
Hi Roger.
You can change those users level role in bulk from the Users list. WP Admin > Users
That doesn’t affect billing. Subscriptions are managed by the gateway. The gateway doesn’t know about the access the user has. The user’s profile on your site has the gateway and subscr ID to link the user to it, and the profile also has the role level and ccaps for the user’s access.
I hope that helps.
This one also helps, as I will be able to edit them in bulk. I did not know that. Thanks once more