Add custom text sections to registration form

I am setting up a registration form for a client and have incorporated three radio buttons the will refer to some text above the registration form with popups.

Is there a way to put in some descriptive text to remind and explain the functionality of the buttons.
(Like the way you can put in custom registration/profile input fields, but text only instead.)

This would be a very useful addition to the registration form to be able to add this.


Are you using the Registration Fields & Options (under General Options)?

If not, that’s what I’d suggest. If you are, do the fields available there not provide what you are looking for?

Hi Tim,

Thanks for replying

Yes, I am using this and I just found a workaround to it which I will share to help others.
I use a single line text field, set it to not required (so it won’t include the asterisk) and type/paste in the text in the label field.
I set a class to it and use this to set [display: none;] for the actual input field and style the label field as required.
To me, that was the easiest option and it works for me.
However, to have a text only addition, that could be styled and have bullets, line breaks, bold etc., would be very useful.


Just an update,
I discovered that I could put in some HTML in the label description like a linebreak. But due to the limitation of length, a lengthy description would probably not be feasible. But it is sufficient for this project.

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Torkild, I’ve been searching for days for this type of solution. Thank you!

You’re very welcome
Happy that you found it useful :slight_smile:

I completely agree this is a much needed function and thank you for the work around.

i like the s2 member forum too, evertime i get help